
Ferrandina, a town enclosed in the Basento Valley, is a small nucleus rich in history where noble palaces, religious buildings and ancient monuments testify to the importance this village has had over the centuries in the events and imaginations of peoples and sovereigns.

The town's characteristic feature is its white houses arranged next to each other, set in the surrounding landscape traversed by the majestic calanques, geomorphological conformations caused by soil erosion, which create exciting and visually striking scenery.

Ferrandina's original name was Troilia, a toponym given to it by its founders, colonists from Magna Gecia. According to tradition, Troilia was built in honour of the now destroyed city of Troy.

An important cultural centre during the Magna Graecia and Roman periods, the city continued to be a renowned centre during the Byzantine era and under Aragonese rule.

Today, its history lives on through the centuries and it is still possible to appreciate the many testimonies that have made this characteristic Lucanian village famous.


The town of Ferrandina is located on a hilly area about 480 m above sea level in Val Basento, a valley named after the Basento river that runs through it. The name 'Ferrandina' is due to Frederick of Aragon, who in 1494 gave the town this name in honour of his father Ferrante. The wool that was produced in the village made it famous throughout the Kingdom of Naples and was a much sought-after product by aristocrats and religious orders. In 1546, a community of Dominicans settled in the town at the monastery of San Domenico, whose dome remains one of the symbols of the place.

Ferrandina, with its terraced houses with immaculate façades surrounded by white gullies, wins the hearts of travellers. A visit to the old centre is the right way to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the town, discovering views, narrow streets and small squares. Buildings worth visiting include the 15th-century Mother Church, dedicated to Santa Maria della Croce, and the 16th-century Church of San Domenico with its elegant majolica dome and Baroque interior. Not far from the town centre is the Castle of Uggiano, of which the evocative ruins remain: this was a Byzantine-era fortification later rebuilt by the Normans. It is famous for having been a strategic point for Robert Guiscard, who in 1068 found support there during his attempt to conquer what is now Irsina.

Ferrandina's gastronomic tradition is linked to that of the Val d'Agri and the Lucanian Apennines and features legumes, cheese, wine and oil. Much of the region is home to large olive groves that guarantee a fine production of olives, the one from Ferrandina is called Oliva Majatica (slow food presidium) to be eaten dried and baked or preserved in brine. The oil is also a true excellence of the territory. In Ferrandina, as in the rest of Basilicata, the traditional first courses are those based on handmade pasta, such as lagane with chickpeas and maccheroni ai ferri seasoned with meat sauce. Meat processing has a long and well-established history throughout the area, and among the various types, grilled kid meat is one of the most characteristic dishes. Vegetables are not lacking on the tables in Ferrandina: aubergines and peppers stuffed with breadcrumbs, cheese, spices and meat will be a rich dish with an intense flavour that will win you over. Finally, let's move on to dessert: the town's typical desserts are the sighs: a soft, fragrant almond paste filled with custard, wrapped in a tasty icing. The perfect way to end the meal!

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