What forms of cooperation are envisaged between MEMO and the partner tourism organisation (accommodation, catering, various services) and what do they consist of?
Hospitality establishments of any type and category may enter into a cooperation agreement with MEMO TO as follows:
- Allotment Free sale:
The term Allotment (lot) indicates, particularly in the hotel sector, that commercial agreement whereby a Travel Agency (AdV) asks a hotel to block a certain number and type of rooms at a fixed price (option) for a certain period.
The release in the low season is usually set at around 10 days - 2 weeks after the actual use of the rooms; at least 3-4 weeks in the high season. In our case it is fixed at 30 days in LS (Low Season) and 45 in HS (High Season), a very convenient formula for the Partner.
An allotment without a guarantee, or more commonly with a release option (release - return), is when a date is agreed between the hotel and the travel agency by which the latter must communicate whether or not to confirm the option (on all or part of the rooms). This formula is very advantageous for the travel agency, which can thus renounce the opted-for rooms without any penalty payment. The accommodations, on the other hand, undertake not to sell the rooms to anyone else during the entire period of the agreement. This type of agreement is also referred to as Free sale or Free sale.
In general, this collaboration formula is interesting for establishments that have many rooms and can work with even large groups, less so for B&Bs and small family hotels that may, however, be interested in this formula for individual package tourism.
On the other hand, tourist facilities in the catering industry will be able to sign a commercial agreement to formalise the cooperation relationship with MEMO Srl TO expendable in the realisation of and participation in sales in tourist packages where pricing will be the real and only focal point.
The Tourist Facility Partners who choose to enter into an Allotment Free sale contract with our Company shall NOT be automatically entitled to obtain visibility within their own Hospitality Page, but shall only be visible within the forms relating to the tourist packages in which the Tourist Facility Partners are involved.
- Guest page on the Tourist Destination Portal (PdT) of MEMO Srl Tour Operator:
In this case, MEMO TO builds a guest page dedicated to the partner tourist facility through which direct advertising is carried out to the tourist facility itself.
Sales made by the tourist facility through the host page do NOT include any agency fee (commission) to be paid by the tourist facility partner, but rather the payment to MEMO Srl TO of an annual subscription of €215 including VAT.
The 'Hospitality Page' formula is the only one available to Catering Partners who would like direct promotion, WITHOUT Agency Fees, on our PdT.
The visibility of the portal and thus of all the sections of which it is composed (including the host pages of the Partner Companies) will be ensured by targeted web advertising investments by the Partner Communication Agency, Viralbeat.
The visibility of the Hospitality pages of the tourist accommodation facilities will be visible in the sections: Territorial scope (e.g., Pollino National Park, Amalfi Coast, Salento, ...), Village/City of reference and in the Hospitality Pages of the Catering Facilities as well as in the section "Experiences not to be missed" geographically close.
The visibility of the Hospitality Pages of the catering tourist facilities will be visible in the sections: "Taste" (Regional, Territorial and Village/City product details), and in the Hospitality Pages of the accommodation facilities as well as in the section "Must-See Experiences" geographically close by.
The visibility of the Hospitality Pages of the Tourist Facilities of Services other than accommodation/restaurant services (e.g. excursion Companies/Associations, Museums, Nautical Charters, ...), will be visible in the sections: "Experiences" (Regional, Territorial and Village/City detailed product sheet), and in the Hospitality Pages of the geographically close Accommodation and Catering Facilities.
In any case, whatever navigation pathway on the DTP chosen by the User (by map or by means of the "Experiences", "Taste" and "Events" sections), the Hospitality Pages dedicated to the Tourist Facilities Partner will always be the point of arrival aimed at promoting and selling the tourist services provided.
- Direct sales (OTA type, Online Travel Agency)
We are developing a Booking Engine to be hooked up to our e-commerce platform already implemented on the PdT, aimed at enabling the User to purchase directly and without the intervention of human operators, integrated tourist services and/or in single form (specifically overnight stays in accommodation facilities) on the pages of our Portal.
Unlike Portals where the Agency fee on each successful transaction is at least 15%, the fee charged by MEMO Srl TO is 10%.
Partner Companies opting for promo-marketing not only in the 'Allotment Free sale' formula will be able to choose between the 'Hospitality Page' or 'Direct Sales Page' formula, but NOT both, as one formula excludes the other.
If the Tourist Company Partner decides to purchase the Hospitality Page, will an agency fee have to be paid to MEMO Srl TO?
Absolutely not. We would like to remind you that the agency fee is only provided for in the 'Direct Selling Page' mode. By purchasing the annual subscription for the Direct Selling Page, contact with customers and therefore sales remain the sole and absolute responsibility of the Partner Company.
The validity of the "Pagina Ospitale" subscription runs from the date of signing the agreement and not "per calendar year".
The Partner Farms (which are not Sponsors as they are active parties in the provision of tourist services in an experiential key) will be visible in the 'Taste' section and will be able to choose between the different levels of visibility: South Italy, Region, Area, Village/City
In addition, they will be involved in the realisation of wine and food tourism packages and will also receive visibility in the dedicated section.
A further opportunity, for companies purchasing the 'platinum package', is that they can be present, with their own advertising material and staff, in the MEMO exhibition spaces at Tourism Fairs, free of charge.