Guardia Perticara

The small village of Guardia Perticara, in Basilicata (PZ), is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy and is a small oasis of peace and tranquillity, where ancient history merges with the present in the narrow streets, small squares, arches and stairways that criss-cross the village, creating a truly typical scenario. A perfect destination for slow tourism, abandoning the hurried pace and enjoying the beauty of small things.

Guardia Perticara is in the Agri Valley, an area immersed in green woods, populated mainly by oaks and maples (the latter in the highest points). The village is also called 'the village of stone houses' and this is due precisely to its architecture, which, built with local stone, well recalls the characteristics of the territory and the ancient history of the place. The origins of Guardia Perticara, in fact, date back to the Iron Age, and numerous settlements followed one another over time. In the 10th century, it became the destination of some Basilian monks who founded some ancient cenobia there. Medieval Citadel, which became the possession of various lords, unfortunately suffered damage in the earthquakes of 1957 and then 1980; however, reconstruction work has kept faith with the old urban layout, saving its original characteristics. This is why today you can still breathe in the air of history and it feels like stepping back in time in a small, characteristic medieval village.

Guardia Perticara is a small village to be experienced, walking through its length and breadth. Let yourself be inspired by the narrow streets, traverses and staircases, to be observed strictly with your nose turned upwards to catch the beautiful details hidden among the balconies, windows and arches that climb from house to house. Make your way up to the highest part of the village hill, and enjoy the wonderful view of the Sauro River valley that flows at the foot of the village. You can visit the Church of Santa Maria di Sauro, where there is a wooden statue of the Virgin dating back to the 14th century, and the Mother Church dedicated to St Nicholas. Not far from the town centre, the Basilian caves and the remains of the ancient town of Turri are worth a visit, while the more sporty can enjoy trekking along the Amendola Forest with its 500 hectares of Mediterranean scrub.

The cuisine of Guardia Perticara is typical of the Val d'Agri, in which the simple and genuine flavours of the land are combined in dishes with unique flavours, sometimes very strong. Ferricelli are the typical pasta: we are talking about a format similar to fusillo, made 'ai ferri' (grilled) just as the ancient tradition dictates, to be enjoyed with a hearty pork and pork rind sauce. Meat, moreover, is the feather in the village's cap: pork is excellent, because it comes from local farms, as are the Podolica cow, lamb and kid, which preserve flavours that are hard to find elsewhere. There is no shortage of dairy products either, and the caciocavallo and pecorino cheese preserve a taste of yesteryear. Typical of the local cuisine is horseradish, a root with spicy notes with which a particular omelette is prepared: the rafanata. As far as sweets are concerned, we recommend the strazzate, biscuits typical of the Christmas period in particular, made with almonds, cinnamon and cloves, which are typical of Lucanian cuisine in general and which also find their place among the delicacies of Guardia Perticara.

In Guardia Perticara, the most enthralling and aggregating events are held in spring and summer. In May, on the first Sunday, there is the feast of the Madonna del Sauro (first Sunday in May and second Sunday in August), while the patron saint Nicholas the Great is celebrated on 9 May. In May, 'Voler bene all'Italia' is also held, a festival dedicated to small municipalities joined by the Most Beautiful Villages of Italy, among which is Guardia Perticara. On this occasion, many events and manifestations are organised to enhance the village, its history, culture and origins, and participating in them is a real thrill. In August, in the second half of the month, the event 'Salotti nei Centri Storici' (Lounges in Historical Centres) is eagerly awaited: on this occasion, conferences dedicated to themes closely connected to the village, guided tours and tastings of typical products are held. The event is part of the "Agosto Guardiese" (August in Guardia), a summer calendar dedicated to music, sport, entertainment and culture studded with events and initiatives to experience and get to know the village better.

Tours in the surroundings

Explore the Territory

Where to sleep

Where to eat

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