Morano Calabro

In the heart of the Pollino National Park, in the province of Cosenza, lies Morano Calabro, one of Italy's most beautiful villages and an Orange Flag town, an evocative stronghold of traditions, customs and values that represent authentic Calabria. Steeped in history and immersed in wild nature, Morano Calabro reserves treasures to be discovered and experiences to be enjoyed that will give so much to those who wish to approach this marvellous reality.

Morano Calabro is located within the Pollino National Park (Italy's largest nature reserve), in the valley of the Coscile river. Its territory is predominantly hilly and surrounded by woods and hills: Morano itself is situated at more than 690 metres above sea level and its conformation presents a succession of different heights. The origins of Morano date back to antiquity, but are still shrouded in mystery. In all likelihood, its foundation would have taken place in Roman times (a foundation by the Moors has also been hypothesised, from which the name of the town would derive, but this is a hypothesis that is not very credible): the first construction of the stronghold dates back to this period, which, modified over the centuries, later became the Norman-Swabian castle. During the Middle Ages, it continued to be an inhabited centre and, according to historical tradition, it was during this period that the city managed to defeat the Saracens, who attempted to conquer it: the event still lives on in the famous Flag Day and in the coat of arms, which bears a Moor's head (according to legend, the head of the defeated Moorish leader). Starting in the 15th century and throughout the Renaissance, it was owned by the Sanseverino lords of Bisignano, who between patronage, privileges and concessions inaugurated a rich and happy age for the village. Later Morano Calabro became a territory of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and then of the Kingdom of Italy. Today, strolling through Morano, it is possible to relive all the eras that have succeeded one another, thanks to the historical testimonies that, stratified, form part of the urban fabric and live on through the centuries.

The gastronomic tradition of Morano Calabro contains a variety of traditional dishes, which will be a pleasure to savour: in them you will find the entire history of the taste of the past, made up of genuine flavours and unmistakable aromas. Like almost all the ancient villages in Calabria, fresh pasta has a long tradition here. Prepared at all times of year are the lagane con i fagioli, eaten especially in winter. The 'rascatelli' (grilled, similar to fusilli) and 'cavatelli' are a type of fresh pasta that cannot be missed during your stay in Morano. They are usually prepared with a meat sauce and accompanied by a Rosso del Pollino, which is also excellent in combination with the typical polenta with cabbage and beans. Sausages, soppressata and prosciutto, are made according to old-fashioned methods and have that intense aroma and savoury taste that is hard to find elsewhere: perfect to be eaten with Morano pecorino cheese, to be washed down with good 'novello' or Magliocco del Pollino wine. In the gastronomic tradition of Morano Calabro, a prominent place deserves stockfish with potatoes and black olives, appreciated and eaten in many other areas of Calabria. The strong flavour of the dried fish, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and various spices, blends with the texture of the potatoes and the fragrance of the black olives. The combination with a good vino novello and the typical homemade bread baked in a wood-fired oven classify this dish among the best and most refined of Calabrian good food. The simple and genuine ingredients, the process, the cooking and the little secrets jealously guarded by the local housewives make this appetising dish inviting and in some ways mysterious. On cold winter evenings, when the snow falls and the fireplaces crackle, there is nothing more pleasant than warming up with this excellent dish. If, moreover, you visit this village during the Christmas period, don't miss the 'Vecchiarelle' hot and crispy fried dough to be enjoyed with a sprinkling of sugar.

The events in Morano Calabro are many and each one celebrates an aspect of this multifaceted historic village. One of the most famous events is the Festa della Bandiera, in May, which commemorates the medieval battle won by Morano against the Saracens. The Festa della Bandiera is rich in evocations: men and women in costume (flag-wavers, arquebusiers and pistoliers, men-at-arms) parade in historical costumes and evocative scenes recall an ancient past. Also in July, the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel is celebrated with the 'Feast of the Emigrant': a symbol of the bond between the people of Morano living in Italy and abroad, prayers are recited in different world languages. Every summer Morano becomes the scene of events and appointments that enliven the summer season, all available in the summer calendar published every year. During the Christmas period, on the other hand, the alleys of the Rione San Pietro, close to the Norman Castle, host the evocative Living Crib in which the entire community participates.

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