In Calabria, soppressata is PDO

One of the foods that many southern Italian regions have in common is soppressata. We find it in Campania, Apulia and Basilicata, but it is in Calabria that soppressata acquires the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) mark, signifying that it has a certain specificity in this region.

The production of soppressata in Calabria and throughout southern Italy is a centuries-long tradition that is lost among the ancient trades of yesteryear. We have to wait until 1691 to have one of the first concrete testimonies that tells us about this particular salume: we find it in the work Of Calabria Illustratedwhere Father Giovanni Fiore from Cropani lists, among the salted meats, those that were processed 'into Lardi, into Salsicci, into Suppressate, and similar'.

Why is soppressata called this?

The name, as is easy to imagine, originates from the pressing action that is performed when the sausage is being dried, to give it a flattened shape. The term itself, then, undergoes slight changes depending on the region in which we find ourselves. In the dialect, for example, we say 'subbursata' or 'soperzata', while in Apulia 'sebbursète'.

Processing of soppressata

The processing involves the use of fresh meat from pig obtained from the finest cuts, such as shoulder, thigh and fillet. There is also a fat part, consisting of lard in a percentage varying from 4 to 15% per kilogram of meat. The meat is cut into coarse pieces using the famous knife-point technique, which keeps the portions fairly compact. Flavours and spices are added to the meat (in some cases hot chilli peppers are added) and the mixture is minced and then encased in a preferably natural casing, previously sterilised, and the whole is then tied with string for better sealing.


But the preparation of soppressata does not end there! As soon as it is made, in fact, it is subjected to a very important phase that will determine the final result: drying, which takes place according to very precise standards. First of all light, or rather darkness: drying must take place in an unlit environment. Then, the time: the process takes from 3 to 12 weeks, depending on the weight, diameter and result to be obtained (the PDO soppressata di Calabria requires a seasoning of at least 45 days).

Strict rules:

In order for soppressata di Calabria to have the PDO mark, there are very precise rules to follow, from the choice of meat to the drying method. Would you like to know some of them?

  1. Soppressata di Calabria must be obtained from the processing of meat from pigs born in the territory
    from the regions of Calabria, Basilicata, Sicily, Apulia and Campania and reared in the territory of the region
    Calabria from the maximum age of four months.

2. Slaughter and processing must take place on Calabrian territory.

3. The average batch weight of the pigs at slaughter must be no less than 140 kg.

These are just some of the rules, and you can also find the others online at the product specification.

But let's come to the most interesting part: how to eat soppressata?
Perfect as an appetiser on a board of cold meats and cheese, it is excellent accompanied by seasoned homemade bread and local pickled oils. The wine to choose should be medium-bodied (like an Aglianico, for example) or it could be replaced by a light lager or even a double malt, for a more substantial combination.

Palermo - Discovering the Arab-Norman Itinerary

Palermo is a fascinating city steeped in history that has always offered travellers stimuli and inspiration for organising tours of history and culture. These include the Arab-Norman Itinerary, World Heritage Site since 2015, which entered the World Heritage List.

The architectural style known as Arab-Norman is an artistic expression that combines, as the name suggests, Arab influences with typical Norman elements, giving rise to a model that can be found almost exclusively in Palermo and some neighbouring towns, namely Monreale and Cefalù.

A bit of history

The Arab style arrived in Palermo from the 9th century onwards, specifically from 827, the year of the beginning of Arab domination, which wrested the city and the most important towns on the island from the hands of the Byzantine Empire. The Arab period lasted about two centuries and during this long span of time, imposing works such as palaces, places of worship, minarets were built and Palermo, which became the capital of Sicily (Syracuse was before that) precisely at the behest of the Arabs, was to present a face in some respects very similar to that of the rich eastern countries.

In the 11th century, the Normans (Catholics) arrived in Italy and defeated the Arabs (Muslims), taking possession of the cities and the buildings constructed in them: some of them were destroyed, while others were profoundly modified and readapted to new functions, making it difficult to distinguish the original conformation. But that's not all, the Normans recognised the great value of the Arab craftsmen present in the area and having to build new architecture, they used Muslim builders to construct the main places of civil and religious power. This fusion thus gave rise to the Arab-Norman style, in which certain typically Arab elements (such as lowered arches, geometric mosaics, arabesques, ceilings decorated with muqarnas, i.e. sculpted and painted alveoli or stalactites) survived and merged with the new buildings.

The Arab-Norman Itinerary

In order to highlight the buildings belonging to this stylistic trend of great artistic, historical and cultural interest, an ideal itinerary has been mapped out that embraces the main sites in the Arab-Norman style, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site and includes the following sites:

In Palermo 

  • Royal or Normann Palacei and adjoining Palatine Chapel 
  • Cathedral of the Virgin Mary Assumed into Heaven
  • Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti
  • Church of Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio or della Martorana
  • Church of San Cataldo
  • Zisa Castle 
  • Admiral's Bridge. 

In Monreale

  • Cathedral and adjoining cloister

In Cefalù

  • Cathedral and adjoining cloister 

What is the best time to visit Palermo and discover these incredible buildings?
Certainly, the summer season is a happy time for this type of trip, allowing you to combine the sea with cultural discoveries; however, the climate of the Sicilian coasts is mild and pleasant even during the autumn and spring, periods that see a less intense flow of tourists and allow you to enjoy the beaches and artistic sites in total relaxation. However, lately, even in winter, Palermo and many Sicilian cities are increasingly visited by travellers, especially Italians, who wish to treat themselves to a short holiday under the banner of historical beauty, dedicating themselves to a type of tourism oriented towards food and wine and the discovery of local traditions.

At this point you have no excuse, any time is the right time to visit the sites of the Arab-Norman itinerary and beyond!

Perciavutti the ancient ritual for new wine

In small villages where identity is a matter of traditions, roots and customs that have been handed down over the centuries, time is marked by the seasons and their rhythm by ancient rituals. One of the most characteristic is the Festa dei Perciavutti and is celebrated in several towns in Calabria on 8 December, in conjunction with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This traditional feast is organised in honour of the new winePerciavutti, ready to be tasted after the grape harvest period (which lasts from the end of August until November): in fact, the name Perciavutti derives from the verb 'perciare', meaning to pierce (in this case the barrels filled with wine). One of the towns where the Perciavutti festival is particularly popular is Mormanno, a village in the province of Cosenza located in the Pollino Park. For the occasion, after the festivities in honour of the Immaculate Virgin, an ancient dimension of stories, old-fashioned work and genuine flavours opens up in the village quarters. The alleys and lanes witness the reopening of the cellars (or 'vuttari', as they were once called) where the tasting of new wine takes place, accompanied by the sampling of traditional country dishes. The atmosphere is then further enlivened by musical performances and the presence of markets where gastronomic products and handicrafts can be purchased.

But why does the Perciavutti festival fall on 8 December?

Like many popular rituals, the time of year in which they are to be performed is carefully chosen and, very often, involves a close connection between the daily dimension of working the land and the religious sphere. Until the 15th century, the tasting of the new wine was scheduled in November, but today this tradition has shifted by a month due to some late harvests that take place precisely in this month. As for the day, 8 December, it would seem to mark a connection with the Virgin, a figure who, in a certain sense, retains a profound bond with wine: according to the Scriptures, in fact, it was thanks to her convincing intervention that Jesus, during the episode of the Wedding at Cana, performed his first miracle by transforming water into wine. This is also why, in popular tradition, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is also called Our Lady of Wine.

Urban trekking, an alternative way to explore the city

More and more often we hear people talk about urban trekking or urban hike, a term that combines the exploratory and adventurous component with the city dimension. But what exactly is urban trekking and how is it practised?

To answer this question, we have to take a step back and go back to a few decades ago, when travel arrangements were rather standardised and the activities to be practised during holidays and out-of-town trips fell into a rather narrow and well-classified set.
Travel was considered almost a luxury, or at least a special occasion, and destinations included in the most popular and famous tourist circuits were preferred. With the passage of time and thanks to changes in the economy and society, travelling has become easier and more accessible, new travel desires have arisen among the general public and destinations never before considered have been introduced in tours and package tours in order to meet the expectations of every type of traveller.

In this scenario, we find urban trekking, which presents itself as an alternative way of visiting, getting to know and experiencing an urban centre, going beyond the classic concept of a guided tour and enriching it with an adventurous and dynamic vein.

When we talk about Urban Trekking

Urban trekking is therefore a walking tour of the city in which the sense of discovery, exploration and wonder play a fundamental role, and widenings, hidden viewpoints and side streets become pleasant detours to the route that leads to the best known places. Urban trekking is an exploration of the territory practised without qualms or prejudices, with the awareness that getting to know a city, a village or a town also means losing oneself in its most remote places, to be traversed with energy and vitality just as one does during nature trekking excursions.

This activity, being very particular (and relatively young, since it was officially born in Siena in 2003) is not suitable for everyone, so many prefer to do it alone or in small groups, naturally always equipped with comfortable shoes and ergonomic backpacks.
The city map?
Useful to keep in your pocket, but to consult as little as possible to make the experience even more exciting!

See our packages and choose which cities to visit by practising urban trekking.

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