At the Court of Frederick II

The Alla Corte Di Federico II Restaurant is located inside the impressive Frederician castle in Roseto Capo Spulico (CS), a structure dating back to the 11th century that rises majestically on a rock overlooking the Ionian Sea and that, after careful restoration, represents a classic example of Frederician architecture.

The restaurant aims to evoke and revive the atmosphere and charm of the era, with characteristic and carefully designed rooms that fit perfectly into the structure, without altering its architectural features. The walls of the interior rooms show the living stone, enhanced by furnishings, rich carpets and imposing fireplaces. Having lunch or dinner in this structure means being welcomed into an ambience of high times, of great elegance, where one can immerse oneself in a distant era, enriched by gastronomic proposals typical of the local and Mediterranean cuisine, with special attention paid to the excellence of the territory.



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