Caprino d'Aspromonte

Il Caprino d’Aspromonte si ottiene con una lavorazione del latte riscaldato a 36-37 gradi, si aggiunge caglio di capretto, e a coagulazione avvenuta si rompe la cagliata con il “ruotolo” fino alle dimensioni di un chicco di riso. Dopo che si è raccolta sul fondo, la cagliata è estratta e trasferita nelle fiscelle di giunco, dove è pressata manualmente. Dopo qualche ora viene effettuata la salatura (a secco); per la stagionatura le forme sono poste su un ripiano di canne “cannizzo” o di legno in un luogo fresco. Sulla crosta compatta, di colore bianco nel formaggio fresco, giallo-bruno in quello stagionato, sono evidenti i segni della fiscella. La pasta è cruda, bianca avorio e morbida, ma tende a diventare dura e scura col progredire della stagionatura. Le facce sono piane, con un diametro di 18-20 cm, uno spessore di 6-7 cm e il peso varia da 1 a 2 kg. Il sapore è dolce tendente all’acido e inoltre sprigiona una nota di selvatico. Il Caprino d’Aspromonte viene commercializzato fresco nei territori dell’Aspromonte in provincia di Reggio Calabria come formaggio da tavola o stagionato per la grattugia.

Clementines of Calabria

L’indicazione geografica protetta “Clementine di Calabria” designa esclusivamente il frutto della Clementine afferente alle seguenti cultivar, selezioni clonali, mutazioni gemmarie: “SRA 63”, “Spinoso”, “Fedele”, “Comune”, “Tardivo”, “Hernandina”, “Marisol” e “di Nules”.

Le zone di maggiore produzione sono nei territori della provincia di Reggio Calabria e nella Piana di Sibari, atte alla coltivazione degli agrumi “Clementine”. I terreni idonei per la coltivazione della “Clementine di Calabria” sono di medio impasto con un contenuto di limo e argilla inferiore al 60% e con un contenuto in calcare non superiore al 15%. La produzione unitaria massima è di 350 a ettaro per tutte le cultivar, selezioni clonali e mutazioni gemmarie ammesse.

L’agrume deve avere l’epicarpo liscio con numerose ghiandole oleifere con colore arancio scuro; forma sferoidale leggermente schiacciata ai poli; calibro di diametro minimo di 16-18 mm; polpa succosa, di colore arancione uniforme, deliquescente e aromatica; semi assenti o di numero esiguo e tenore zuccherino (0Brix) minimo 10. Le Clementine sono ricche di vitamine, aromatiche, molto dolci e facili da sbucciare. Possono essere gustate fresche o trasformate in canditi, marmellate, succhi, sorbetti, dolci e liquori. Ottime come ingrediente per aromatizzare carne o pesce.

The Bergamot

The protected designation of origin 'Bergamot of Reggio Calabria - essential oil' is reserved exclusively for the essential oil extracted by the cold-pressed method from the fruit Citrus Bergamia Risso in the varieties Femminello, Castagnaro and Fantastico. The origins of the plant are shrouded in mystery and historians tell of its presence in 1750 in the Fondo dei Giunchi in Reggio Calabria, where it has its natural habitat. In Calabria, the bergamot processing industry has a prominent position because it is the only region able to cultivate the citrus fruit. The 'Bergamot of Reggio Calabria - essential oil' must be liquid, mobile, clear, sometimes with a solid deposit; green to greenish yellow in colour; with a characteristic, pleasant, fresh smell, reminiscent of the pericarp of the Bergamot. The valuable essential oil obtained from it is exported all over the world, especially for its use in cosmetics and perfumery. The citrus fruit has made its way into haute cuisine and pastry making, thanks to the recipes and desserts of pioneering chefs and pastry chefs from Reggio Emilia who have believed in this unique ingredient, to the point of involving international culinary masters to include the fruit in their menus, with brilliant results appreciated by connoisseurs and gourmets. The peel, suitably treated, can be used to flavour first courses, main courses and desserts. Its aroma imparts an incomparable flavour to candies and candied peels and the essence is excellent for a fragrant and delicious tea or sorbet. The juice, with its bitterish taste, is used to make liqueurs, syrups and excellent supplements. A fruit of the Calabrian land that also has health benefits with therapeutic principles against viruses and bacteria, antioxidant, anti-rheumatic, antipolypukaemic and vaso-protective properties, offering useful tools to normalise triglycerides, cholesterol and glycaemia. In order to spread knowledge of this precious citrus fruit and its impact on the local economy, the Bergamot Museum has been set up in Reggio Calabria, displaying the ancient tools and images that tell of more than three hundred years of culture, history and traditions on the citrus fruit and its use.

The Annona of Reggio Calabria

Reggio Calabria's famous 'Falcomatà promenade' is home to many valuable Mediterranean and tropical plants, even large ones. But the 'exotic' essences do not only concern the 'most beautiful kilometre in Italy' of D'Annunzio's memory, but also the Reggio Calabria hinterland and neighbouring municipalities. The Annona has been a renowned example of this for several decades, certified by the municipal administration De.c.o with the name 'Annona di Reggio'.

The term 'Annona di Reggio De.c.o.' refers to varieties of the species Annona cherimola Mill and in particular acclimatised commercial varieties of Spanish origin including Fino de Jete and Campas (less common) as well as the so-called 'local varieties' or 'deformed varieties' and appears bright green even when ripe and is homogeneously cordiform (looks like a green heart) or conical in shape, with a very thin skin and homogeneous, medium depressed areolas. Its flavour is sweet and aromatic of the 'exotic' type with soft creamy-white flesh. It has a high sugar concentration and is slightly juicy and rich in Vitamin C.

Traditionally, various confectionery products can be made with the fruit, such as ice cream, sorbet, baba, jam and various desserts, but recently, innovative and delicate variants have been proposed: ricotta and annona cakes, annona cake and annona syrup tart. The Annona reggina, like many other niche and De.c.o. branded products, has great value in terms of biodiversity, always arouses great curiosity for its external characteristics and becomes a true gastronomic passion after tasting it the first time.

The Arancino

His majesty the arancina... the undisputed king of the rotisserie. It is to all intents and purposes a complete dish, as the saffron rice encloses a heart of veal ragout and peas inside, while the crispy breadcrumbs make it easy to carry. In addition to the original with meat sauce, it is easy to find ones with spinach and mozzarella, butter and ham, but over time the variations have become so many that it is not uncommon to come across arancinerias, small places that only make arancine and offer at least 50 different flavours. The biggest diatribe in which this must-have is involved concerns its name. In fact, its majesty becomes king or queen depending on the city, if in Catania it is 'arancino', in Palermo it is known only and exclusively as 'arancina', claiming its similarity in colour and shape to an orange. Today, however, the shape that dominates is the conical one, and here's a little tidbit for connoisseurs: although the collective imagination wants the first bite to bite into the crunchy tip, in reality the correct sense is quite the opposite. You got it right, the hand wraps around the cone with the tip downwards, so the arancino ergonomically follows the shape of the hand allowing a firm grip. No one would want to lose pieces of it by eating it, this firm grip will make it impossible to lose even a grain!

The 'nduja

The 'nduja, included in the list of Traditional Agrifood Products (P.A.T.), is a typical spicy, fine-grained sausage whose main characteristic is its spreadability. It is among the most renowned typical Calabrian products and its main production area is concentrated in the municipality of Spilinga (VV), a town located in the centre of the Poro plateau. The preparation of 'nduja, considered poor due to the origin of the ingredients, is a gastronomic experience that makes one reflect on the artisan traditions of certain products that guarantee their genuineness. It is made from a mixture of pork meat - fatty and tasty parts of the pig - mixed with copious amounts of local red chilli pepper - sweet and spicy -, which gives the sausage that distinctive reddish-brown colour. With maniacal care, this product is packed into the so-called pork gut and tied at the end, before moving on to the smoking stage. The organoleptic characteristics of the product have remained unchanged over the years thanks to traditional recipes handed down for centuries and jealously guarded by the producers. In the kitchen, well-known international chefs use 'nduja in their recipes because it gives a touch of temperament and is tasty and pleasantly spicy. It is best enjoyed au naturel: spread on slices of toasted bread while still warm or on focaccia. Excellent with semi-matured cheeses or to give an intense flavour to meat sauce and tomato sauces. Particularly delicious and appetising for preparing sauces to accompany tasty meat dishes.

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