Company Carlomagno

Our company was founded in 2009 with a very specific project, namely to take over the land of our grandparents and start cultivating ancient and organic products.
Our main crops are almonds, dried figs, walnuts and vegetables. We also cultivate vineyards with indigenous varieties in the Castrovillari (cs) vineyard area.
Within the company we have an artisan workshop where these products are then processed according to old recipes, using careful and still entirely manual methods.
In the historical centre of Civita is our wine cellar where the processing of grapes and a wine-making process handed down by Civita families who have been making wine there since 1935 takes place; our wine cellar is open to the public and you can taste the various varieties of wine inside.
In 2013, our project became broader and consisted of involving young farmers from the Pollino region and starting a collaboration in the sale of products and the search for seeds and varieties of ancient and indigenous plants. All these products are then collected in our sales point in the central square of Civita.

Viola Cellars

Cantine Viola is a winery where you can taste indigenous wines surrounded by the authentic and genuine atmosphere of the Pollino Park and embark on a unique wine and food journey.

The history of the company began in 1999 when Luigi Viola, a nature and agriculture enthusiast, decided to market and make known to the general public the Moscato di Saracena, a raisin wine renowned since the 16th century, whose cultivation and memory risked disappearing forever. The passion of Luigi and his family made it possible to avert not only the extinction of this refined meditation wine, but also the loss of the special vinification procedure that makes it unique among the worldʼs dessert wines.

All the wines produced on the farm are the fruit of a laborious and passionate commitment that begins in the vineyard and continues in the cellar, following a centuries-long tradition.

Production derives exclusively from indigenous vines, in particular the Moscato Passito di Saracena, unique for its vinification method and because it is only produced in Saracena, so much so that it is counted among the best sweet wines in the world for its organoleptic qualities. One of the few wines to be a 'Slow Food' Presidium.

La Locanda del Parco

In the heart of the Pollino National Park, in the municipality of Morano Calabro 'One of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy' as well as a TCI 'Orange Flag', stands 'La Locanda del Parco': a family-run agritourism company that stands as a pearl perfectly set in the surrounding area, enhanced and celebrated daily thanks to careful work and driven by love for its land.

The Locanda del Parco, crossed by the itinerary of the Ciclovia dei Parchi (Parks Cycle Route), is an ideal place for those who wish to restore the spirit and the body, enjoying unspoilt panoramas that embrace sea and mountains and immersing themselves in an intact and authentic nature, rich in history and traditions.

Those who stay here will be sure to discover the soul of Pollini in all its incredible facets: the leisure activities that will make your stay pleasant and unforgettable are, in fact, associated with the typical local cuisine of the ancient peasant tradition, the result of careful research aimed at recovering the flavours of the past, and the surrounding scenery where olive groves, arable land, vegetables and fruit are cultivated alongside sheep, goats, pigs and farmyard animals.

Moreover, thanks to expert guides, it is possible to visit the enchanting surrounding natural scenery, characterised by a varied fauna consisting of wolves, roe deer, otters, wild boar and golden eagles amidst forests of loricate pine, black pine and silver fir, oak, holm oak and beech.

Staying at the Locanda del Parco: Agriturismo, Dependances and B&B
The Locanda del Parco has spacious and comfortable rooms and suites in agritourismall with private bathroom, are tastefully furnished in the old country tradition. The outbuildingsThe farmhouses, on the other hand, have been skilfully renovated and equipped with a kitchenette and are immersed in the green countryside with a beautiful view of the Pollino mountain range. Alternatively, it is possible to opt for a stay in The 'Lady's Vineyard' B&B  located in the heart of the historical centre, inside a magnificent and charming period building.

Activities in and around Agritourism

The Locanda del Parco is an inexhaustible mine of activities, naturalistic and scientific observations, arts and popular traditions such as soap making or the working of clay from Sibari and Rossano. Horse-riding enthusiasts can take advantage of the nearby stables, just 5 minutes away, to learn the basics of everything related to managing a horse, learning how to care for it, feed it properly, learn its basic anatomy, and experience moments of sharing surrounded by nature. On weekends, it is possible to retrace the old transhumance route, in places once infested by brigands.

It is also possible to practice in the vicinity of the facility:

Wind surfing - Water skiing - Climbing - Archery - Mountain biking - BTT - Hiking - Trekking - Trail grooming - Rafting - Canyoning - Canoeing - Nordic walking - Health trail.

Traditional cuisine, a great protagonist
Thanks to the high degree of hospitality and familiarity, the La Locanda del Parco farmhouse is the ideal destination to feel the flavours and rediscover the tastes of the ancient rural tradition. Le dishes are prepared only with genuine, organically grown products. The larder is filled with fresh and processed farm produce, packaged in an original way, much of it grown in thesynergistic vegetable garden. Following ancient recipes, some exquisite liqueurs are made from herbs. Guests of the Locanda can also buy these products, so that they can enjoy the delicacies tasted on site at home.

But it doesn't end there, to fully immerse themselves in the local gastronomy all guests can take part in cooking classes to prepare typical dishes, or devote themselves to processing ricotta and cheese, accompanied by wine tastings to the rhythm of popular music.

The Locanda del Parco and respect for the environment 

The company, which has always been attentive to environmental policies, has a modern photovoltaic system that saves around 20,000 kg of carbon dioxide per year in the environment.

Pollino Rafting

Pollino Rafting, a Laino Borgo, è tra i principali e affermati centri di attività outdoor nel Meridione. Situato a Laino Borgo, alle porte della Calabria e nel cuore del Parco Nazionale del Pollino, è riconosciuto da FIRAFT, FICK e CONI grazie al rispetto di alti standard qualitativi e di sicurezza.

Il team è composto da Guide brevettate e riconosciute dalla Federazione, con possibilità di attività in italiano, inglese e spagnolo.

L’attrezzatura per le attività fluviali è interamente fornita dalla struttura, costantemente disinfettata e a norma.

L’offerta vasta e variegata ha reso il centro Pollino Rafting tra le strutture riconosciute per lo sport e il turismo, con obiettivi sempre più in espansione grazie alla passione ed esperienza del team.

Inoltre il campeggio e l’area di sosta camper del centro PollinoRafting ti accoglierà in piazzole riservate a tende, camper e roulotte per soggiorni en plein air che permetteranno di godersi la magia di scenari naturali di incomparabile bellezza, lontani dallo stress della quotidianità, ma senza rinunciare al comfort, sono presenti, infatti, allacci elettrici, bar, spogliatoi con docce, servizi igienici, attrezzatura per pratica sportiva quali campo da calcetto, sala da spinning, piscina per pratica kayak.

Le attività
Puoi scegliere tra tante attività alla scoperta della natura tra cui: rafting; packraft; paintball; torrentismo; escursioni; canoa-kayak.




Terrægusto is a farm located in Mormanno, Calabria, in the heart of the Pollino National Park, specialising in the cultivation of local ecotypes of cereals and legumes; it is a new reality, started up thanks to the initiative of two young men who choose to do quality mountain farming on a daily basis, respecting the natural cycles dictated by mother nature.

The cultivated areas extend at different altitudes and over the entire municipal territory, due to the conscious decision to re-cultivate abandoned land and reconstitute the agricultural mosaic that has made the local territory so typical and characteristic.

The diversity of altitudes (from 500 m asl to 1100 m asl) allows and guarantees dry and irrigated cultivation and the sowing of varieties that prefer different microclimates. The cultivation method adopted is organic, so much so that part of the farm already enjoys certification.

One of the main corporate values is to respect the seasonality of cropswhich are deeply linked to local knowledge that comes to life in the farmers' tales. It is precisely these tales that will be at the heart of a collection, which the company has undertaken to compile, to pass on the ancient values to the younger generations who want to commit to working according to these principles. Underlying the work of Terrægusto is the desire to pursue the cultivation of local ecotypes (such as chilli, zafarana, chickpeas, spelt and more). This choice is guided by the deep conviction that genetics and climate have allowed the different crops to acclimatise, which over time has made the products rich in taste, ensuring that they reflect all the environmental quality characteristics of the place.

Also the safety plays a key role among the company's values: all manufacturing processes, from cultivation to packaging and processing, are guaranteed by the application of HACCP protocols and compliance with of high quality standards, which allow all steps to be traced back clearly and transparently. Thus was born the  Country Notebook' a medium where all the steps performed are recorded, from seed selection to planting in the field and harvesting.

The white poverello bean - A unique local ecotype
Among the flagship products cultivated by Terrægusto, a special place is occupied by the white poverello bean, which is characterised by its oval, mottle-free seed and low tegument content. The cultivation of this bean is also of great environmental value due to its taproot type, which penetrates deep into the soil and maintains a good soil structure by preserving it from erosion. Cultivation and harvesting techniques have remained unchanged and are carried out manually, excluding any type of synthetic chemical product and without the use of agricultural machinery.

The municipalities of Mormanno, Laino Castello and Laino Borgo, contained within the Park, have decided to establish a unique Communal Denomination (De.Co.) for this type of legume, one of the few cases of recognition managed by an association of neighbouring towns.

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