Pollino National Park

During a stay in Calabria, those who love to explore wild, unspoilt nature to forget the stresses and rhythms of everyday life, cannot fail to visit the Pollino National Park. Here, on the heights of the mountain of the same name, itself surrounded by valleys and high mountains, you can rediscover a new dimension and, why not, get to know yourself better.

The Pollino National Park, Italy's largest protected reserve, covers 192,565 hectares, embracing two regions - Basilicata and Calabria - and no less than 56 municipalities. On the Calabrian side, the park is rougher and more rugged than on the Lucanian side, but perhaps it is also this characteristic that makes it so fascinating and authentic. The park includes no less than five peaks exceeding two thousand metres: Serra Dolcedorme, Monte Pollino, Serra del Prete, Serra delle Ciavole and Serra di Crispo, and, in Calabrian territory, it is crossed by the Raganello and Lao torrents, which create suggestive gorges and small caves.

The experiences that the Pollino National Park in Calabria has in store are many, but they have one thing in common: they are all deeply rooted in the territory and will all make you discover the truest side of this region. In Italy's largest reserve, it is clear that a privileged position belongs to outdoor activities to be experienced in total contact with nature. At any time of year, you can choose different itineraries for excursions and trekking: even in winter, in fact, with sticks and snowshoes on your feet, it is possible to penetrate the snowy expanses. Here it will be a pleasure to breathe in the crisp mountain air and enjoy unique views. Rafting and canoeing along the Lao River will provide thrills and adrenalin rushes along routes marked by torrents, canyons and rock walls. Mountain biking is also a popular activity in this area, which, especially in spring and summer, becomes a destination for cyclists and sportsmen. If all this is not enough for you, get ready for a 'vertical' journey, descending among stalactites and stalagmites in the Serra cave or the Panno Bianco cave (both near Cerchiara). Those in search of a relaxing stay, on the other hand, will have other beautiful proposals to consider: photography enthusiasts can experience the romantic colours of the foliage that, from September until November, invades the unspoilt nature of the park. Encountering different cultures and peoples, on the other hand, will be possible by visiting one of the many Albanian (Arbereshe) communities that have been settled in Calabria since the 15th century (they arrived here to defend themselves from the ancient Turkish invasions): Civita, founded by one of these communities in the 15th century, preserves its language, culture and customs intact. Today it is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, and its 'Devil's Bridge' is a historical and suggestive attraction not to be missed. Finally, those in search of rustic and picturesque views will be delighted to visit the villages and mountain communities: the Pollino Park encompasses several of them (such as Acquaformosa, Orsomarso, Morano Calabro, etc.) and it is here that you will meet shepherds, farmers and artisans who still carry out ancient crafts, immersed in the traditions of their land.

The Pollino Park, on the Calabrian side, reserves ancient flavours for travellers. These are linked to the fruits of work in the fields, carried out by the farmers who still populate the inland villages. In every season, the cuisine is varied and vast, starting with the first courses: such as pasta 'amuddicata', or pasta (a format similar to bucatini) with breadcrumbs and anchovies, a poor man's dish, as good as it is good, and lagane (similar to tagliatelle, but shorter and wider) which, served with chickpeas, warm the winters with the flavour of the earth. Vegetables and greens, on the other hand, enrich the main courses: cabbage, pork rind and bean soup is a true tradition, as are stuffed peppers and aubergines, a must during summer dinners or lunches, not to mention the lentil soup from Mormanno (CS), now a Slow Food Presidium. In the Calabrian Pollino Park, wood-fired bread is also special, especially that of Cerchiara (CS): crunchy and firm, it has the characteristic of keeping its flavour and fragrance intact even after a few days. How best to enjoy it? Perhaps accompanied by a glass of Pollino D.O.C. Cosentino, a slice of local Pecorino cheese and a salume made from Nero Calabrese. This is a pig that lives in the wild right on the Pollino and whose by-products are protected by an association (the Associazione Nero di Calabria) that promotes and spreads its gastronomic culture.

To list all the events that take place in the Calabrian Pollino Park territory would be truly impossible. Every town, village or village has its own, and every time of year is an occasion for festivals, fairs and religious celebrations. Those related to carnival are perhaps the most famous: in the province of Cosenza, in San Sosti, there are great celebrations, as well as in Castrovillari, honoured for its carnival that has been held for over 60 editions and is one of Italy's historic events. In the Calabrian lands, a deep religiosity survives, linked to popular cults and traditions: during Easter, there are many centres that come alive with rites and celebrations. We recall the Albanian Easter, which involves the community of the same name and includes celebrations to the sound of popular songs and dances, wearing typical costumes. On Maundy Thursday in Verbicaro, the evocative spectacle of the 'Vattienti' takes place, believers in procession who beat and self-flagellate themselves until they bleed. And how can we not mention festivals and events dedicated to gastronomic excellence? In November, one of the most characteristic is the Festa d'Autunno (Autumn Festival) in San Donato di Ninea (CS), where participants will be able to discover the famous local chestnuts, amidst folk dances and music that will enliven this small centre of narrow streets and picturesque views. In Calabria, the year ends with the magic of Christmas: during the festive season, in the many ancient villages, the classic markets coexist with the representation of the Living Crib: in the province of Cosenza, Morano Calabro, Laino Castello and Aieta are just some of the centres where the entire community gathers to participate in an event that embraces spirituality and custom.

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