Borghi Mediterranei at BIT 2020

Meetings, proposals, ideas and projects. BIT 2020 presents itself as a great opportunity to increase the range of buyers interested in our territory. Pollino to be lived all year round is the experiential proposal brought by the Borghi Mediterranei tourist consortium to the Fair. The consortium, led by Gianluca Colaci, has gathered the adhesion of twenty municipalities and several tourist operators to present a rich offer of attractions to the international buyers present at the Fair. A large network of collaborations between the various operators who, by adhering to the Borghi Mediterranei project, are building an innovative hospitality proposal centred on slow and sustainable tourism. It is on this occasion that Borghi Mediterranei wished to emphasise the importance of networking by involving not only the private sector but also the public administration to create lasting development opportunities.

Memo Srl, the consortium's exclusive tour operator, will produce tourist packages dedicated to the South. Exceptional testimonials are actors Marco Mazzocca and Stefano Sancinelli, with whom Memo is launching an experiential show tour of Southern Italy mainly aimed at a US and Canadian clientele.
In this context, the importance of, a unique tourism portal that aims to tell the story of experiences, food and wine, villages and events in Southern Italy as never before.
The portal, which is constantly being improved, as well as doing territorial storytellingIt makes the beauties of Southern Italy accessible through the sale of packages and services to a national and international audience; it also digitally promotes the municipalities and companies that are members of the public-private network conceived by Gianluca Colaci, offering a modern and innovative vision of our regions and their tourism potential.

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