Terrægusto is a farm located in Mormanno, Calabria, in the heart of the Pollino National Park, specialising in the cultivation of local ecotypes of cereals and legumes; it is a new reality, started up thanks to the initiative of two young men who choose to do quality mountain farming on a daily basis, respecting the natural cycles dictated by mother nature.
The cultivated areas extend at different altitudes and over the entire municipal territory, due to the conscious decision to re-cultivate abandoned land and reconstitute the agricultural mosaic that has made the local territory so typical and characteristic.
The diversity of altitudes (from 500 m asl to 1100 m asl) allows and guarantees dry and irrigated cultivation and the sowing of varieties that prefer different microclimates. The cultivation method adopted is organic, so much so that part of the farm already enjoys certification.
One of the main corporate values is to respect the seasonality of cropswhich are deeply linked to local knowledge that comes to life in the farmers' tales. It is precisely these tales that will be at the heart of a collection, which the company has undertaken to compile, to pass on the ancient values to the younger generations who want to commit to working according to these principles. Underlying the work of Terrægusto is the desire to pursue the cultivation of local ecotypes (such as chilli, zafarana, chickpeas, spelt and more). This choice is guided by the deep conviction that genetics and climate have allowed the different crops to acclimatise, which over time has made the products rich in taste, ensuring that they reflect all the environmental quality characteristics of the place.
Also the safety plays a key role among the company's values: all manufacturing processes, from cultivation to packaging and processing, are guaranteed by the application of HACCP protocols and compliance with of high quality standards, which allow all steps to be traced back clearly and transparently. Thus was born the “Country Notebook' a medium where all the steps performed are recorded, from seed selection to planting in the field and harvesting.
The white poverello bean - A unique local ecotype
Among the flagship products cultivated by Terrægusto, a special place is occupied by the white poverello bean, which is characterised by its oval, mottle-free seed and low tegument content. The cultivation of this bean is also of great environmental value due to its taproot type, which penetrates deep into the soil and maintains a good soil structure by preserving it from erosion. Cultivation and harvesting techniques have remained unchanged and are carried out manually, excluding any type of synthetic chemical product and without the use of agricultural machinery.
The municipalities of Mormanno, Laino Castello and Laino Borgo, contained within the Park, have decided to establish a unique Communal Denomination (De.Co.) for this type of legume, one of the few cases of recognition managed by an association of neighbouring towns.